The 7 Stages of Forming a New Habit

May 17, 2022
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Habit Building

The 7 Stages of Forming a New Habit

We've all heard the saying "it takes 21 days to form a new habit." But let's be real, anyone who has actually tried to form a new habit knows that it's not always as simple as that. Whether it's trying to eat healthier, exercise more, or wake up earlier, the process of forming a new habit can be a rollercoaster of emotions. Here's a look at the stages we all go through when trying to form a new habit.


It's a new day, a new you! You're pumped and ready to tackle your new habit head-on. You've got your planner, your water bottle, and your sneakers – you're ready to take on the world.


Day one goes well, and you're feeling motivated and confident. You're telling all your friends and family about your new habit, and you're pretty sure you've got this thing in the bag.

Reality check

Day two rolls around, and suddenly you're feeling a little less motivated. It's harder than you thought to get out of bed for that morning run, or to resist that bag of chips in the pantry. But you're determined to stick with it!


Days three through five are a blur of frustration. You're struggling to stick to your habit, and you're starting to doubt yourself. You start to wonder if you're really cut out for this whole "new habit" thing.


But then something clicks, and you start to see progress. You're feeling more energized, and you're starting to see the benefits of your new habit. You're determined to keep going, no matter how hard it gets.


As you continue on your habit-forming journey, you realize that it's not always easy to stick to your plan. You might need to make some adjustments, like setting smaller goals or finding a more convenient time to fit your habit into your schedule. It's all about finding what works for you!


And then, finally, it happens. Your new habit has become just that – a habit. You don't have to think about it anymore, it's just a part of your routine. You feel proud of yourself, and you're ready to tackle your next challenge.


Forming a new habit can be tough, but it's definitely worth it in the end. Remember to be patient with yourself and to make adjustments as needed. And most importantly, don't forget to have a little fun along the way!

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